
  • Tom's prior and current business experience and his academic qualifications set him apart from most candidates for academic positions.... (He) is a thoughtful and innovative teacher.... A key feature often cited by Tom's students is that he uses real world examples based on his real world experience to teach topoics that students about to enter the real world need to know.
    —Academic Colleague, Florida International University

  • Tom has been an outstanding colleague and... has willingly shared his accounting expertise across the firm, empowering all of our consulting staff with the skills necessary to understand and interpret accounting information with confidence. One of Tom's outstanding skills is his ability to explain complex issues in clear, concise and easily understandble terms. Tom is a fabulous public speaker.
    —Senior Vice President, NERA Economic Consulting, Inc.

  • It is, of course, impossible for a professor to remember all the students they have taught, but it is easy for a professor to remember the students they will never forget. Tom Porter is one of those students.... Tom has several unique talents that include superior communication stklls, interdisciplinary capabilities, deep and valuable business experience and a spirit of cooperativeness.....(He has) an enormous amount of intellectual capital packaged in an energetic and exceptional teacher.
    —Professor, University of Maryland